Tips Before Switching on Your AC

Warmer temps are on the way and your air conditioner is about to fire up for the first time in months. You can usually just turn on the central air without thinking about it. Most of the time, it’s ready for you and gets to work.

On occasion, problems creep in over the winter months, and now you’re faced with a heated home and no way to cool it.

So when should you first run your AC?

It can be tempting to wait for the first hot day of the year. But if you wait too long, you may be stuck with issues that crept up over winter. We always recommend turning on your AC in the spring…on a day when you know you’ll be around. This will give you a chance to test your HVAC system and catch any problems that require repairs.

Tips Before Turning On Your AC for the First Time

Here are four things you can do to be ready to make the switch from heating to cooling.

  • Check the outdoor components. Your AC needs air to work properly, so spend some time checking over the comments outside your home. Be sure that it’s not filled with leaves or other debris and check that plants haven’t grown into the system. Blocked airflow can put a strain on the compressor, shortening its overall lifespan, so be sure to clear away anything that’s blocking airflow before turning your system on.

  • Examine coolant lines. Just like good airflow, refrigerant in your AC system is essential for operation. If it leaks out during the off-season, your system can work all day long without producing any cold air. Before you turn on your AC, take some time to inspect coolant lines for cracks or holes, and check connections to make sure nothing is loose. Even a tiny pinhole will allow refrigerant to leak off slowly. If you see signs of damage, give us a call and we can assess the situation.

  • Check the wiring. Your home’s AC runs on electricity. If the flow of electricity is disrupted, your whole system may stop working. For that reason, you should examine all visible wires for signs of wear. If you find anything suspicious, turn off the power to the unit and give us a call right away.

  • Change your filter. If you’ve read anything on our site, you know we’re kind of a broken record about clean filters. Changing your filter not only extends the life of your home’s comfort system, it’s the easiest way to improve performance and save you money by reducing energy costs. We have a complete selection of media filters, in stock, ready to ship, at the lowest prices.

As always, CTR Heating & Air Conditioning is here to help if you have a questions, concerns, or issues with your system. We have easy online scheduling or you can reach us pretty much anytime at 801-999-4220. We’re here and happy to help!


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