Air Conditioner Troubleshooting: Short-Cycling

What’s AC Short-Cycling?

If your air conditioner is turning on and off frequently—but the temps inside aren’t cool and comfortable—your air conditioner could be short-cycling.

What Causes Short-Cycling?

There are a number of reasons for AC short-cycling. Some of the most common include:

  • Your media filter may be clogged.

  • The system is losing refrigerant.

  • The thermostat in your home is not working properly.

  • And, in some case, the ac unit may be too large for your home.

Why Is Short-Cycling Bad?

Short-cycling causes your unit to turn on and off often which can cause excessive wear and tear on the unit. Wasted energy also translates to more a steep energy bill.

It can also mean your AC never really gets a break. Since your home isn’t cooling, the compressor runs more frequently. The added wear from frequent operation can shorten the life of the system.

What Can You Do?

If you suspect your air conditioner is short-cycling:

  • Step one is to check and replace the filter if needed. If you do need a new filter, we have you covered with common sizes in stock and ready to ship.

  • If you suspect a mechanical problem give us a call. We can perform an AC system inspection and let you know if there’s something under the surface causing your system to short cycle.


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